Fire Stories
Read fire stories and case studies below. Click on any headline or image to read the full story.
During the week of March 27th-31st, several members of the Canadian Prairies Prescribed Fire Exchange had the fantastic opportunity to travel to Cumberland House and participate in the “We Are Fire” Conference!
Do you remember Stephen King’s first novel, The Long Walk? I’m not a big fan of horror so I mostly avoid Mr. King’s offerings, but I’ve always been a keen walker and a story where the hero walks everyone else into the ground is right up my alley.
In October of 2022, I had the opportunity to attend the Canadian Prairies TREX, held by the CPPFE in Saskatoon. As someone who had very limited experience with fire on the landscape, I was obviously very excited, and I am happy to say that the event surpassed expectations!
Hello everyone! On May 4th, 2022 the Canadian Wildlife Service prescribed fire crew successfully conducted a prescribed fire at Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Area (LML NWA). We implemented a full year’s management on approximately 200ac of habitat…in a single day!
On November 4, 2021, Meewasin Valley Authority in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan conducted a 5 acre prescribed fire at the Northeast Swale. The Northeast Swale is a 300 hectare natural area within the City of Saskatoon that contains native grasslands, shrublands, aspen stands, and wetland complexes. Meewasin has been conducting prescribed fires at this site for over 15 years.