Presentations & Videos

The Canadian Prairies Prescribed Fire Exchange - Who We Are.

The Canadian Prairies Prescribed Fire Exchange (CPPFE) is an inter-agency collective established to increase knowledge sharing and training surrounding the use of prescribed fire as a management tool in Canadian prairie and parkland ecosystems. We’re here to help fire practitioners of all backgrounds, from landowners, to communities, to conservation groups and even experienced firefighters. We aim to get more fire returned safely and effectively to the prairie by providing learning and training opportunities, facilitating equipment and resource sharing, and acting as a hub for current fire science and grassland fire knowledge.

To date, the CPPFE has developed an Introduction to Prescribed Fire course with the University of Saskatchewan, regularly holds classroom and in-field workshops, hosts cooperative burn operations, and has created a Grassland Fire Database to advance the science in this field. These efforts contribute to healthy and productive prairies, which in turn provide food, habitat, and countless other benefits to us and those with whom we share this planet.

To take the Introduction to Prescribed Fire in the Grassland Environment course, please follow this link:

Embers of Insight Webinars

1st Canadian Prairies TREX Event- Saskatoon, SK- October 2022

The Canadian Prairies Prescribed Fire Exchange held the 1st Canadian Prairies TREX from October 15-21, 2022. This event provided an opportunity for partners to gain skills and build capacity, while simultaneously achieving fire management and ecological goals within Saskatoon and the surrounding landscape. It was also an opportunity to build relationships with partners, share knowledge, and work within a more complex organizational structure, utilizing an Incident Command System.

A total of 40 participants from 11 agencies/organizations- students, conservation staff, wildland fire personnel, and fire departments- participated in the Canadian Prairies TREX, engaging in a diverse variety of training opportunities and successfuly completing 7 controled fires in 5 days.

To take the Introduction to Prescribed Fire in the Grassland Environment course, please follow this link:

In this webinar recording, join Dinyar and Roy as they dive into the Canadian Prairies Prescribed Fire Exchange (CPPFE) and its role in promoting effective fire practices among various stakeholders. Explore the CPPFE's grassland fire research database, a vital resource for fire practitioners, and gain insights from their quantitative analysis, revealing the impact of fire on grassland productivity and diversity. Recorded 2023/09/08

Grassland Fire Intensity and Pre-Fire Condition Impact Productivity Recovery Following Wildfire

Returning Fire to the Prairie: prescribed fire as a conservation management tool.

Training Prescribed Fire at Kernan Prairie- Part of TREX Oct. 2022

Tongue Creek Ranch Prescribed Burn Info Session

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