Prescribed Fire Course Scan

Comprehensive Scan of Wildfire and Prescribed Fire Courses

In partnership with a team of contracted data analysts, the CPPFE has created a comprehensive scan of all wildfire and prescribed fire courses available to Canadians as of December 2024. The database includes 375 relevant courses from around the world, offered in-person, remotely, or through hybrid formats. These courses range from those designed for firefighting professionals to courses for support positions and non-firefighting professionals, with prices ranging from $0 to $7,100 CAD.

As part of its mission to provide Canadians with access to prescribed fire knowledge and training, this data is essential in helping individuals of all fire management experience levels find the right educational opportunities, ensuring that everyone has access to the proper training and tools needed to safely plan and conduct prescribed fires.

Below, you can access the full course scan, along with a report that summarizes the results, identified gaps and recommendations that can be made based on the data.

A special thank you goes out to Kelly Wiens, Amelia Van Hoffen, our partners at Meewasin Valley Authority, and our donors, the Weston Family Foundation Prairie Grassland Initiative, for making this project possible.