Upcoming Events

Embers of Insight - Devan McGranahan: Patch-burn grazing 2.0: Benefits of prescribed fire for livestock production in the Northern Great Plains

Embers of Insight - Devan McGranahan: Patch-burn grazing 2.0: Benefits of prescribed fire for livestock production in the Northern Great Plains

Join Devan McGranahan in this webinar about patch-burn grazing in the northern Great Plains.

This event takes place 12:30-1:30 pm Saskatchewan time (1:30-2:30 pm CDT).

Embers of Insight is a webinar series jointly hosted by the Canadian Prairies Prescribed Fire Exchange in Canada and Great Plains Fire Science Exchange in the United States. This series is dedicated to delivering high-quality fire science education to fire practitioners around the world.

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2025 Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie & Aspen Parkland Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX)
to May 16

2025 Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie & Aspen Parkland Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX)

Join us at the 3rd Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie & Aspen Parkland Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX) from May 12-16 in the rural municipality of Stuartburn, Manitoba.

We are proud to be organizing this TREX in partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

View the official training announcement, including full details and participant requirements here.

Apply here.

The application deadline is March 21, 2025. If you have any questions regarding the TREX, please reach out to us at cppfe@meewasin.com.

Financial support for this event provided by the Weston Family Prairie Grassland Initiative.

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Embers of Insight - Sonja Leverkus and Nadia Mori: Ruralization of Wildland Fire in the Pyrocene

Embers of Insight - Sonja Leverkus and Nadia Mori: Ruralization of Wildland Fire in the Pyrocene

Join Dr. Sonja Leverkus PhD PAg RPF RPBio and Nadia Mori PAg MSc in this webinar about developing wildland fire programs in rural and remote communities.

This event takes place 1:30-2:30 pm Saskatchewan time.

Embers of Insight is a webinar series jointly hosted by the Canadian Prairies Prescribed Fire Exchange in Canada and Great Plains Fire Science Exchange in the United States. This series is dedicated to delivering high-quality fire science education to fire practitioners around the world.

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Prairie Fire Summit 2025 - 11th Native Prairie Restoration/Reclamation Workshop
to Feb 13

Prairie Fire Summit 2025 - 11th Native Prairie Restoration/Reclamation Workshop

The CPPFE is proud to be hosting our first ever Prairie Fire Summit on February 11, 2025 at the Atlas Hotel in Regina, SK as a part of Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan’s (SKPCAP) 11th Native Prairie Restoration/Reclamation Workshop (NPRRW), which takes place from February 12-13.

The Prairie Fire Summit will feature presentations from distinguished fire professionals across the continent. This includes our keynote speaker Dirac Twidwell — a professor and rangeland ecologist from the University of Nebraska with expertise in woody encroachment.

Additional speakers and panelists include:

  • Eric Lamb, University of Saskatchewan

  • Rick Arthur, Driptorch Consulting

  • Kerry Hecker, Canadian Wildlife Service

  • Brady Highway, Prince Albert Grand Council

  • Jennifer McGuinness, Lakeland College

  • Julie Pelc, Nature Conservancy of Canada

  • Sam Morrison, Aberdeen Community Pasture

  • Jordan Florizone, Grant Fire Rescue

Presentation topics will include fire ecology research, fire equipment, woody encroachment, wildfire prevention through prescribed fire and more! A panel discussion on establishing collaborative burn programs and empowering safe burns to landowners will also be held near the end of the day, followed by a 2-hour social. Lunch will be provided!

The CPPFE will additionally have a booth at the NPPRW where we can answer all your burning questions about all things prescribed fire and fire science.

The NPPRW’s theme this year is “Collaborative Approaches to Prairie Conservation.” It will feature plenary sessions, break-out sessions, a hands-on case Study, speed dating case studies, trade Show and poster Session all about the value of conservation to prairie ecosystems.

Registration prices are as follows:

Regular Prices in effect starting January 22nd

Regular: 2 days (NPRRW–12th-13th) = $385+(taxes & fees)

Regular: 3 days (NPRRW and Fire Summit) = $450+(taxes & fees)

One Day Only

Tuesday Only (Prairie Fire Summit) = $110 + (taxes & fees)

Wednesday Only (NPRRW) = $230 + (taxes & fees)

Thursday Only (NPRRW) = $160 + (taxes & fees)


Student/Landowner (2 days of NPRRW) = $275 + (taxes & fees)

Student/Landowner (Fire Summit Only) = $75 + (taxes & fees)

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Canadian Prairies TREX
to Oct 25

Canadian Prairies TREX

Meewasin and the CPPFE will be hosting the 3rd Canadian Prairies TREX this Fall in the Saskatoon area!

Event information can be found here: https://firenetworks.org/event/2024-canadian-prairies-trex/

Here is a link to the registration: https://forms.gle/iR7MuqAUcVDHSwQ3A

Event: Canadian Prairies TREX- Saskatoon

Dates: October 21-25, 2024

Registration closes September 9, 2024.

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Embers of Insight Webinar- Brad Elder

Embers of Insight Webinar- Brad Elder

Speaker: Brad Elder

Topic: “I looked up and you disappeared in a 20ft wall of fire.”: A Survivor's Tale of Safety and Preparedness

Date & Time: Tuesday, March. 5, 2024, 12pm-1pm SK Time

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUocOqgqD8jHtYceQinUBs9qQEOmQJn2CtC  

Bio: Brad Elder, a veteran prescribed firefighter with over three decades of experience, has tackled fires across diverse terrains, from the plains of Kansas and Nebraska to the landscapes of West Virginia. His international expertise extends to aiding fire management efforts in Malawi, Zambia, and Canada. At Doane University, Brad’s research lab studies firefighter safety including the effects of low oxygen levels near fires, the impact of boot weight on decision making, and an upcoming study on the flammability of modern fabrics used in underwear.

In addition to his academic pursuits, Brad serves on his local volunteer fire department. It was in that role that Brad was burned over in a wildfire on Oct 23, 2022, suffering third-degree burns on his legs, hand, and face. Following a challenging recovery period of several months in the hospital, Brad returned to the fire department, conducting prescribed fires, and firefighter training.

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Embers of Insight Webinar- Rick Arthur

Embers of Insight Webinar- Rick Arthur

Speaker: Rick Arthur

Topic: Tackling Vegetation Encroachment in the Foothills of South-Western Alberta

Date & Time: Monday, Feb. 5, 2024, 12pm-1pm SK Time

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvcu6ppjwvGNaZE8ZHmlWTqDGB2Tyyp6Jf

Bio: During his remarkable 38-year career with Alberta Forestry, Rick Arthur has been involved in a variety of disciplines including Forest Management, Silviculture, Wildfire Operations and Prevention, Community Protection, Prescribed Fire, Fire History, Fire Behaviour, and Indigenous Burning. As the Past President of Partners in Protection and a key contributor to the FireSmart program and Mountain Legacy Project, Rick has left a significant imprint in the field. Through Driptorch Consulting Inc., he continues to offer his expertise in forest and land management, wildfire operations, prescribed burn planning, and more, recently marking his 50th year with “his feet in the ashes”!

Join us for an insightful session exploring the challenges and solutions around managing vegetation encroachment in this critical region.

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Introduction to Prescribed Fire in the Grassland Environment - Continuing Education | University of Saskatchewan (usask.ca)
to Nov 1

Introduction to Prescribed Fire in the Grassland Environment - Continuing Education | University of Saskatchewan (usask.ca)

The Introduction to Prescribed Fire in the Grassland Environment course, offered in partnership with the Canadian Prairies Prescribed Fire Exchange (CPPFE), provides participants with the understanding of basic principles for planning, conducting, and assessing a grassland prescribed fire. This course is delivered online and open for registration year round. It is entirely asynchronous and self-paced, meaning students can complete it on their own schedules.

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Tongue Creek Ranch Prescribed Fire Workshop

Tongue Creek Ranch Prescribed Fire Workshop

Prescribed Fire Workshop

Where: Tongue Creek Ranch at the shop, 482251, 208 St. W

9:00am Coffee & Registration

9:15am - 12:00pm Indoor Presentations

Noon - Lunch (provided)

1:00pm - 4:00pm Hands on Burn at Tongue Creek Ranch (weather permitting)

4:30pm - Wrap Up

*For those interested in participating in the hands on burning component, clothing made of all

natural fibers is required (100% cotton, leather, wool or FR coveralls; work boots and leather

gloves). Clothing with synthetic fibers have a low melting point and are not permitted. *

*Please dress appropriately for the weather as we will be outside for the afternoon*

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Introduction to Prescribed Fire in the Grassland Environment Course

Introduction to Prescribed Fire in the Grassland Environment Course

The Introduction to Prescribed Fire in the Grassland Environment course is a 15 hour, instructor delivered course that aims to prepare future fire practitioners for a basic, holding role on a prescribed fire. If you don’t know what that is, you’ll learn it along the way. In this course we explore the basics of planning a prescribed fire, strategies and tactics for carrying it out, protocols for communications and safety, as well as basic emergency planning and response for unplanned mishaps. The course consists of lectures, a case study and cumulates with an open-book multiple choice exams. Successful participants will receive a certification of completion from the Canadian Prairies Prescribed Fire Exchange. This does not qualify participants to conduct prescribed fires, but prepares you to assist on one, should the opportunity arise.

Please contact dminocher@meewasin.com for more details.

Photo: Kerry Hecker

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Intro. to Prescribed Fire Workshop

Intro. to Prescribed Fire Workshop

This 5 hour in-person workshop is application focused, and aims to introduce the key concepts behind prescribed fire, while introducing practitioners to the available resources in their area.

Photo: Kerry Hecker

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